Amazing Samana-Republics Dominican- Winter Vacation

The Town of Samana

Amazing Samana-Republics Dominican-Winter Vacation for the family.

Are you ready for a fabulous vacation in the beautiful Samana region of the Dominican Republic? Samana is a dream destination for those who crave stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters and lush tropical landscapes. 


This secluded area boasts some of the Caribbean’s best-kept secrets, from secluded coves and cascading waterfalls to breathtaking mountain views and hidden bays where you can soak up the sun in peace.

Take a boat tour to explore the stunning coastline, go snorkeling to see the vibrant underwater life, or simply relax on the beach and let the sun work its magic.


Samana also offers some of the best culinary experiences you’ll find on the island, with fresh seafood, exotic fruits and traditional Caribbean dishes to tantalize your taste buds. So why wait?

Start planning your perfect Samana vacation today and experience the beauty and magic of the Dominican Republic like never before!


Samana features typically local, brightly painted houses, and for some 9 months of the year, it is generally peaceful with only a handful of tourists around its streets.

For now, though the Samana Peninsula, studded as it is with its small jewels – Samana town, Las Terrenas, and Las Galeras – remains a tropical haven.

Either way, when you arrive at Las Terrenas, you will find that this former fishing village has grown into a lively resort over the past thirty years.

And has all the necessary amenities to ensure that you have that worry-free vacation you desire.


Make it down to the seafront at Las Terrenas and you are bound to be struck by the beauty of the undeveloped beaches of white sand that run for miles in each direction.

 Las Terrenas is also blessed with a minimal rainy season (even for the Dominican Republic) and is consistently warm throughout the year. So it is, perhaps, little wonder that visitors from around the world came seeking their own ‘worry free vacation’… and decided to stay.


You will find that there is a wide range of restaurants, bars, and discos that provide for tourists. Many of these are owned and/or run by the ‘ex-pats’. Las Terrenas is now home to ‘settlers’ from various parts of Europe (e.g. France, Germany, Switzerland, UK) as well as from Canada and North America.


 Such is the international nature of this town of nearly 15,000 inhabitants. Why not a vacation in Samana in the Caribbean!!

Grand Paradise Hotel

The Grand Paradise is in a Bay area with beautiful water and quiet. The hotel was nice, the staff very friendly. The entertainment was good. 

The stay at this hotel was worth every second and every penny. The food was delicious. 

The village is a 15 minutes walk following the beach.

Dominican Republic * Jewel of the Caribbean

The Rare Caribbean Gemstone

The gemstone Larimar 

As a jewelry maker, I constantly search for new stones. During my visit to Samana, I discovered the fascinating story of the Larimar stone.

Legend has it that the name Larimar was inspired by a skilled artisan who combined his daughter’s name, Larissa, with the Spanish word for sea, “Mar.” The Taino Indians, who inhabited the island for a millennium before Columbus arrived, were likely aware of the Larimar stone, but official records only date back to 1916 when a Spanish missionary sought permission from the Dominican Government to explore the area for valuable resources.

However, it remains unclear what he knew and when he returned to Spain. The stone was not mentioned again until the 1950s when fragments of a blue gemstone began washing up on the local beach. It took another 20 years for people to show interest in investigating the origins of these stones, which we now know as Larimar.


All kinds of jewelry are offered to the public in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere in the Caribbean as a local specialty. Most jewelry produced is set in silver, but sometimes high-grade Larimar is also set in gold. You will love your Larimar jewelry.


Quality grading is according to coloration and the typical .mineral crystal configuration in the stone. Larimar stone also comes in green and can have red spots, brown strikes, etc., due to the presence of other minerals or oxidation. The more intense the blue colour and the contrast in the stone, the higher and rarer the quality. The blue colour is photosensitive and fades with time if exposed to too much light and heat

The Rare Caribbean Gemstone \Larimar beads

Las Terrenas in the Dominican Republic is a great place to visit. It is located on the Samana Peninsula, on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. The town is bustling and offers a relaxed beach lifestyle, a diverse dining scene, modern services, warm weather throughout the year, European sophistication, and a lower cost of living.


Picture yourself on white and golden-sand beaches, surrounded by palm trees and clear turquoise water. It’s a tropical paradise with plenty of beach bars and restaurants that allow you to enjoy the breeze and stunning views.


Before the Covid pandemic, we had the opportunity to stay there for two months.

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About Samaná, Dominican Republic:

  1. The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in the Dominican Republic is actively working to restore the Estillero wetland in Las Terrenas, Samaná. Their focus is on the degraded red mangrove area.
  1. The National Socio-Environmental Network, dedicated to preserving natural resources in the Dominican Republic, strongly condemns the recent destruction of wetlands between La Barbacoa and El Limón beaches in Samaná.

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