The First day of the Coronavirus in Las Terrenas
The Coronavirus cut our vacation two weeks short…bummer.
On the first day of the Coronavirus in Las Terrenas, nobody could have foreseen the full extent of the virus’s impact on the town, its residents, and the rest of the world. But as it dawned on people that this was not just a passing illness and that it had already spread to other parts of the world, the town rallied together to take steps to keep its community safe.
People started taking precautions, such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and keeping a social distance from others. Businesses and other establishments shut down temporarily to prevent the virus from spreading. Despite its challenges, the people of Las Terrenas stood together, a united front, remaining hopeful and determined to weather the storm together.
Is the expression goes, all things come in threes?
#1 2018 Strasbourg Attack
We just left Strasbourg in the morning to go to Munich. On the evening of 11 December 2018, a terrorist attack occurred in Strasbourg, France, when a man attacked civilians in the city’s busy Christmas Market.
#2 2016 Nice truck attack
The week after we left Nice, France, on the evening of 14 July 2016, a white truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais just in front of where we were.
#3 2020 Las Terrenas Covid-19 the virus
#4 What’s Next !!
**We witness all of that while on vacation to all those places!!
March 20
Yesterday, we found out that one of the guests in this compound has the VIRUS! And the lady beside us said she is also sick !!! Think it is time to leave. We’re going to try another airline to get back sooner.
Update March 25
Air Transat cancels our flight and no new date to fly home for the moment, so we bought tickets with Air Canada to go home. Everything went great, the airport is empty, looks like a ghost town, feels very strange.
Our Last Day Before Leaving
Today is the first day of the coronavirus in Las Terrenas, and it is our last day before we leave for home.
There’s no need to panic yet.
Most shops are closed, but a few cafes are still open for takeout.
Unfortunately, outdoor seating is no longer allowed. It’s a strange feeling to see the street empty. We’re still determining what the first day of the Coronavirus in Las Terrenas will be like, and it’s not a fun thought.
It’s our last day before leaving, and we’re feeling the bittersweet feeling that comes with packing up and saying goodbye to a place we’ve called home for some time now. It’s a day filled with mixed emotions as we reminisce on all the memories we’ve made here, the experiences we’ve had, the people we’ve met, and the places we’ve seen.
Maybe we will come back one day!!