How To Improve Your Travel Photos

Useful Amateur Travel Photos Tips

If you love to travel and take amazing photos as an amateur photographer, there is always room for improvement. With useful tips, you can enhance your composition skills and discover new techniques, taking your photography game to the next level. 


You can improve your travel photos by using natural light to your advantage, making the most out of different camera settings, and exploring the various types of photography, such as landscape, portrait, and candid shots. 


By developing your style and perfecting your craft, you can create stunning travel photos that will leave a lasting impression.


 Remember that mastering photography is an art that takes time and effort, but with patience and persistence, you can create unique works of art.

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!

You have been waiting for a trip to your dream destination. 

Now that you finally have, you want to take the best travel photos to share with your loved ones. However, you are unsure how to capture the perfect shot you see on social media. 


Even though I admit I am an amateur photographer, I have learned a few tricks over the years that I want to share with you so that you can take better travel photos. 

Today is the perfect day to learn, so let’s get started.

How To Improve Your Travels Photos: Useful Amateur Photography Tips

Taking Pictures During Winter!!

Winter is a well-known and predictable season in Canada. It is characterized by snow and low temperatures, which require people to take extra precautions to keep themselves warm. One of the difficulties we face during this season is the cold weather, which can be particularly harsh on our fingers, especially when we need to take pictures without gloves.

Although learning is always essential, staying focused and motivated during winter when the fingers are numb from the cold can be challenging. However, with proper clothing and gloves, learners can still enjoy an educational experience despite the cold weather. By being prepared and focused, we can have a productive winter season, even amid the cold weather.

*Tips for Beginners.

Let me discuss the most important and challenging travel photography tips. Developing an eye for photography takes time, and I still do. It would be best to start by learning to frame and compose a shot; the rest is easy.


*First, Learn Your Camera

Whether you are shooting on a DSLR, mirrorless, or smartphone, the first tip for travel photography is to get to know your camera equipment. Read the instructions for your camera, play with all the buttons and settings and practice, practice, practice. I still practice every weekend while walking in my neighbourhood. When you pick up your camera after all the practice, you will feel comfortable and know exactly what to do. Then, getting better pictures will make them more accessible to you.


*Keep your batteries warm in winter

Take your battery and any extras from the camera & bag and put them in a pocket close to your body. You’ll want to make sure that you can easily access this pocket. Pop the battery into the camera when you think you’ll be shooting.  

When you’re done shooting, remove it from the camera and put it in your pocket. At home do not open your camera or memory card, let them warm up first.


**Focus on the Golden and Blue Hours

Light is everything when it comes to travel photographs and photos; there’s a good chance you’ve already heard about the golden and blue hours.

The Golden Hour is when the sun is low in the sky.


The Blue Hour is when the sun is below the horizon, and the sky gives off a beautiful blue hue.

Think of the first hour after the sun rises in the morning or the last hour before the sun goes over the horizon at the end of the day.

If you want to see the beauty of the light, get used to waking up early and staying late to make the most of the day.


Taking photos in the middle of the day can still result in great shots, but the sky will generally be too blue or hazed unless there are interesting clouds.

Instead, get street photography, an iron balcony, an attractive door design, a little street around the corner, etc.

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!

*Framing your shot

When you look through the viewfinder or screen, don’t just focus on the subject.

Ensure you’re not accidentally cutting off something important, like a head or half a body in the shot.

Think of looking out a window at the scenery or from a lake with a tree on each side.

These can all help make better travel photos.


*Learn About Composition

You’ve probably heard about how important it is to compose a shot correctly; if you’ve read a photography manual, you would have encountered the “rule of thirds.”

A good composition can differentiate between an average shot and your best photos.


The concept of the Rule of Thirds is you divide your image into nine even squares (many cameras have this grid line feature built into their display options).

Then, you place the subjects and points of interest, such as a human element, along those lines and squares. 

The eye of a bird will also go on a crossline. 


Remember that rules can be broken.

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!

*Don’t stay in one spot, move around

This is one of the most important travel photography tips I can give you: move your feet and crunch down.

Look around the corner. You never know what you might find. ( a little street, something unusual!!)

Don’t just take a shot of where you’re standing; take a few minutes to walk around and see if there is a better frame or composition.

Better yet, take multiple photos from a different angle, fill up your memory cards, and see which is your favourite when you get home.


*Always Ask People for Permission

Travel photography isn’t all about capturing beautiful sunsets and architecture worldwide.

Your Travel photos are also about the people you meet. 


But if you’re shy like me, how do you get those photos without feeling rude? Usually, I don’t!! Most of the time, the people in my shot are far away and are not the subject.


If you have a zoom lens, use it. This way, you can be on the other side of the street and still photograph the person. Asking someone for permission to take their photo is polite and respectful.


A tripod is one of your bag’s best camera accessories, essential for travel photography.

You don’t always need a massive tripod, especially if you want to travel light and are an amateur photographer.

You must invest in a small tripod to become a better travel photographer.


I don’t travel with my big tripod; it’s too bulky and heavy to lug around. If I need stabilization, I brace my elbow against a wall or a tree, crouch down, and use my legs to steady myself. If your body moves less, the camera will move less, and you’ll automatically cut down on camera shake.


Many lenses (especially Canon and Nikon) have a built-in option for image stabilization. Lenses with image stabilizers tend to be more expensive, but the results are also more effective.


Finally, here’s another trick to steady yourself when shooting without a remote release or self-timer. Take a breath in, and then breathe out slowly, depressing the shutter button entirely during the exhale.


*Find the Right Travel Photography Gear

You don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on new travel photography gear to get the best shots. Chances are you already have a perfect camera right next to you (your phone).


**Things like filters, tripods, flashes, prime lenses, zoom lenses, etc., will come in time. For now, all you need is a camera and a memory card, and have fun!!!

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!
He /She was setting and waiting patiently.
How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!
Little Street around the corner

Find Your Niche

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!
How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!
How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!

*Find Your niche as a Photographer

Travel photography is such a broad term that it can cover just about anything. Taking any travel photos will fit the description, whether it is landscape photography, wildlife photography, architecture, portraits, food photography, or whatever.

I love taking pictures of iron balconies, windows, and all kinds of architecture. I also love Macro Photos.


Find the style you love the most, and focus on improving. If you like black-and-white photography, then start shooting in black and white!

Travel photography is a broad term that can cover various aspects of photography. It can include landscape photography, wildlife photography, architecture, portraits, food, and more. If you want to specialize in travel photography, you must find the style you enjoy the most. 


For instance, if you love architecture, you can focus on capturing iron balconies, windows, and other architectural elements. 

Similarly, if you’re interested in macro photography, you can explore that field further. 


By focusing on the style of photography you love and working on it, you can improve your skills and develop a unique perspective. 

For example, if you enjoy black-and-white photography, you can start shooting in black and white to improve your craft.”

And Practice, Practice, Practice

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!

My first try at Food Photography

How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!
Botanical Garden
How To Improve Your Travels Photos!!
Not always cooperating, this wolf was sleeping

Becoming a great travel photographer takes time and practice. The only way to improve is to get out there and take photos!


You can practice taking photos around your town, in your garden, or at a zoo.

Once you’ve practiced, you’ll be ready to show off your most beautiful travel photos.


I hope this general guide on travel photo tips for beginners has been helpful.

Have fun, and good luck on your photographic journey.

Poster note -green colo

Updated on Feb, 2024: This article was published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.

17 Responses

  1. I’m just about to head off on a trip so I am definitely going to take these tips with me. Always ask for permission is a good tip and also be very careful about taking photos with children in it. I try to avoid it. Great list – thank you!

  2. Wow, these tips are a game-changer for anyone itching to take their travel photos to the next level! Whether you’re just starting out like me or you’ve been snapping pics for ages, these tips are pure gold for getting those epic travel shots just right. Can’t wait to try them out on my next adventure! ☺️

  3. After a recent trip to Napa, I was looking at my photos thinking “I need to take a photography class.” This post is so helpful! I will be implementing (and revisiting it) the techniques for future travels.

  4. Thanks so much for these photography tips. My daughter thinks I take awful pictures, so I am so very interested in taking pictures like a pro!

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